Friday, March 16, 2007
6:41 PM - What The Numbers Say... 2005 was a very difficult year for me...on my numerology chart, it was a 9 year and that meant endings and closures....and that is what happened the whole year. There was a lot of sadness in '05. So I decided to let go a little and see where God's path would lead in 2006. And I had a ball the whole way through! (From new years eve....right up to (here is to '06....the year that I partied like I was 21 all over again!!!) Then '07 came too quick and I've been on my ass almost since the start. I'd said that the party bus was stopping....and I guess it did!! Lol Personal Year 2. . . .Development, cooperation, and waitingThis is a number 2 personal year. A personal year 2 is a wait and see time; a year when you will find yourself in the background and very much in a stage of development. This is not a time to force the issue and try to move forward. It is a time for cooperation and building relationships that will benefit you in the future; a year for accumulating and collecting. Aggressiveness will cause problems now. You must be prepared for delays, detours, stoppages and you must be patient. This is a time of small contribution, of helping, and details must be taken care of when they come up. You may give time and effort to further another's work. This year may be a test to your self-control and emotional sensitivities. This is a time to improve your abilities to work with others in a productive way and this can be difficult for you if you have chiefly worked alone in the past. Keep calm, cool, and pleasant. You may experience a degree of nervous tension during this period; the two year brings a tendency to emotional extremes including depression. Very deep relationships with a person of the opposite sex (including marriage) may be more apt to occur during a 2 year. If married, there is apt to be a deepening of feeling in the relationship during a 2 year. WTF??
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