| 1:58 AM - Current mood: bored It's been 50 days.
50 days since I broke my ankle.
And a few weeks since I updated the myspace friends with an ankle blog..... Well remember last we spoke, I'd gotten the fabulous pink cast!? So lemme tell you what happened next....first Elijah & Talia signed! Ski was next, then Kela came with a box of pretty sharpies and drew a rose. Then my most fav cousin spent her spring break dropping in and surprising me, so she also added her flare! Of course my homegirl Princess added some pretty colors!!! Then my brothers, daddy & cousin all tagged me up as well. Without a doubt, I took the "phattie" and tagged my own cast a few times. (Until Princess told me to stop).
I went "home" to my mom's for the 1st time since Feb. Full of paranoia and the joy of a lighter cast, I approached the stairs....crutches in hand, prepared to get in the house. With my brother instructing me, I made it inside. I saw my "handsome face" (aka the Pitt bull). And though the "puppy" (he's 5) was confused by the crutches & cast, he was full of hugs n kisses! Then I journeyed upstairs-for the 1st time! The "booty-scoot" was no biggie. I'd had much practice as I'd been lifting my -not light weight body-, using my upper body strength for more than a month to get around on the crutches. But the landings in the "big house" were a beast. It took about 30 min to figure out the best strategy for going from floor 1 to floor 2. (This strategy included knee pads and painful crawling-but said strategy has been replaced by the "booty walk" cause crawling was a NO-GO)
I also made an attempt at a shower/bath type thing.....my brother and his homeboy hooked it all up. Basically, there is a chair facing the mirror so that both feet are out of the tub. There is a big plastic tub on the side of the tub (under the feet). One foot goes inside the tub and the bionic ankle leg rests on top of it. The detachable shower head is placed in my lap. (Soap, loofah, towels and all necessary items are placed within reach also). Everyone left and the party started!
All is going went but, it was all new and therefore required lots of work and concentration. Which basically wore me out. Then I needed my hair done. (mind you I have been keeping the hair done since day one-I'm a girlie girl and well...I like touching my hair & I like it clean) After getting my hair washed by my mom, it's time to go back to my brother's. But I debate spending the night at mom's. I go back and forth in my mind....something telling me to stay for a night....but I figure naw...and I go.
Decision made, Ski & I were bumping some Biggie...I like my music loud and in the house....it just don't cut it. So we are vibing...."The world is filled with pimps & ....". I am tired as shit. Feeling like I been working out, I'm beat and my injured leg is tired....but I'm feeling good. So we get out of the car....kicking the lyrics to "I Got A Story To Tell"......hard as hell. Paying honor to versatility of Big and paying respect to the anniversary of his death....we flowing.....and we started moving towards the house.
"...She giggled...so now I'm smoking on home grown/then I heard a moan/Honey I'm Home..." -We stop crutching at the stairs- -But we DON'T stop flowing-
"...My brain racing-she telling me to be patient..." -Step one done- -Step two done- -Step three done- Quickly!
"...It came to me like a song I wrote. Told da b^!* give me a scarf, pillow case and rope. Got dressed quick..." -Step four- ...and the next thing I know, I am on the ground. YEP. That's right I fell...onto the ground...outside fucking bastard crutches ain't bout shit.
Fortunately, this fall was slow and supported by my brother so nothing was hurt for him or me.
I was scared....shaken....cold....and already damn tired. So I just sat there. My brother was freaked out. I try to reassure him. "I'm okay. I am okay." He got me a lawn chair, I pull myself into it. Then got up and got in the house. I just wanted to lay down. My brother & Kela's friends were in the house. And everyone was worried. I just wanted to lay down. Kela wants me to take a Tylenol..."No...if I'm hurt I need to feel the pain and not be sleep"
I can tell my ankle is swelling because it's hot but I am ok. I lay down, I elevate it and I hear something say "see you shoulda followed ya 1st find and stayed".
I thought I'd learned to really listen to my gut. And I'll admit, I've gotten better but I haven't mastered it yet. The ability to always listen to the "gut" is a work in progress.
 | Currently listening : Songs from the Big Chair By Tears for Fears Release date: By 27 September, 2005 |
1 comment:
Hi, I just happened to notice your page and wanted to show you some love. Sorry about the ankle. That's really gotta suck. I totally feel your pain as I had my left knee reconstructed from a recent skiing accident. Lesson learned: BLACK MEN DON'T SKI!!
At any rate, how's the ankle coming along? Are you back on your feet now?
Hit me up on myspace:
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