4:01 PM - The ankle; valentine's edition Current mood: blah Category: Blogging Okay so the too big cast.... I'm feeling like my ankle is running loose inside the thing....I can almost feel where they must be putting the plate and screws! It doesn't hurt, it just feels loose. And I'm trying to just keep still so I don't move nothing. The pain is kinda gone and it's Valentine's Day so I'm happy. Feeling good, I decide to jump on my work email and onto myspace to leave Vday msgs and make an attempt at work stuff......I was crutching through the kitchen, just hip- hopping along, lost my balance, almost fell and OMG....my ankle moved! Okay - okay ... Okay....breathe...slow....be still.....breathe....heart beat racing....OMG...okay.....
I sit down and be still ....the phone rings.....it takes my mind off of it and I get online. I leave glitter on my friends pages, check email, and think "damn I moved my ankle".....that was scary. I wonder if I messed it up....but the pain ain't that bad so I try not to think about it. I'm not thinking about it....It's working so I eat and watch American Idol.
Then, this morning I went in to be re-casted. They cut me outta the soft cast (which is a regular cast all wrapped up in cushiony stuff)(HEAVY), they cut through the plaster and take my leg out. (The cast comes just below my knee). The swelling in my foot has come down a lot but my foot & ankle are still pretty big. And the wound (where the bone almost came out) (sorry if that grosses you out) is still really really swollen. I'm wondering if it is gonna be gone down before they operate.
I've been watching seasons 1 & 2 of Grey's Anatomy on DVD (thnx Kela!)......whew boy! Didn't know...I just did not know all of that was jumping off on the good Grey's.......wow do I UNDERSTAND Dr. Grey!
 | Currently listening : Always By Pebbles Release |
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