Monday, February 19, 2007
 | 4:39 AM - Ankle Prt 5....(are u tired of these yet?) Current mood: disappointed Category: Blogging I am so damn sick, sick, sick and tired of people.... Here are some of the ____(u fill in this blank) things I've had said to me since i broke my ankle..... -"Why are you all the way in Westland?" (Uh cause I can't go up and down stairs at the house in Detroit) -"Are you babysitting right now?" (Yeah stupid, I am chasing my niece with my one good foot...dumb ass) -"you could just come and sit on the recliner" (ok imma get there, it's my RIGHT foot?) -"so you can't just get up & get out of the house?" (ummm Where Imma go??...I have a heavy BIG ASS cast and Steel Crutches) (BUT I AM SO SERIOUSLY PLANNING TO GO TO BLACK MILK'S LISTENING PARTY...cast or not) THEN.... -I tell someone I wanna see 'em....they don't show up (neva mind the fact that I done shown up for them-a couple times) then the person want me to "not be mad at them".....(huh?) -"Let me know if you need anything" Soooo I ask for something....Here is the response: "okay I got u".....and guess what! they don't come through. (And they want me to not be mad at them) -a person tells me that they are coming to drop off things......and in 3 Weeks (20 days) ....ain't been able to "make it by here" (And they will wonder why.....) -They give themselves "titles" in my life but don't even fckn call/email/smoke signal to see if I'm ok. (But they just 'know' I'm gone come through for them after I'm better-hmm Okay bet on that shit)
BUT THEN THERE ARE THE SURPRISES.... The ones you least expect it from.... -Not only do they show up. But they come with magazines!!! -They make soup for me -They offer to come pick me up and CARRY me into the club (because they miss me).....(Wow-shocker) -They send fruit -THEY ACTUALLY SHOW UP WHEN THEY SAY THEY COMING!!! (And bring the crew wit em!) -they keep it real.....they call, check on me, don't say shit bout coming, & don't ask me shit bout needing anything. (WHICH IS NOT A BAD THING CAUSE IT IS REAL)
 | Currently listening : Fallen By Evanescence Release |
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