Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Ankle Prt2 (2/6/07)

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

10:20 AM - Ankle Prt2 (2/6/07)
Current mood: cranky

Typed on tues 2/6/07

So you know I broke my damn ankle last Thrs ....and I am stuck in the house til the 5th of neva.

And since I've got loads of time, I've decided to keep track of my progress via here goes:

This is some bullshit for real.

Yeah yeah "it's cold".....yeah yeah, "I ain't missing nuthin"..... "I proly need the rest anyway"....

Yeah yeah yeah. Whatever! This shit is wack. All I do is sleep....I mean really....I sleep when I'm not even sleepy...the fcking medication....WHEW....I mean it gives me damn nightmares, crazy dreams, and I be on some "is this really happening in real life" type shit.....CRAZY

Oh and I I am reduced to eating and sleeping, which is WICK WICK WACK because I'd just started back working out... I said 'you know I can deal with the sitting won't be that bad'.....Taha....Really. The sitting still is a damn trick. Cause see when you sitting still you think "I can get up and go to the computer"....cause you know, I've been still long enough for the pain to have gone away, a little bit.....But the reality is: you can't move a damn thang!

And then to get up.....even if it's just to go is a task.

And just to do something simple like get a good micro-popcorn....I gotta get help....That is thee most aggrivating thing!! See, I'm not a "help me" kinda girl....At All....I'm more of a "no-no I got it" asking for help is a true challange.

Shiiiit I tell you.....don't break ya is some straight....bullshit!

Then I will not even start with the "u find out who's ya true people's when you upstate bleeding" (a real ass Mobb Deep Qoute if you don't know).... But hey they full of phone calls.....actually...the first actual cards and flowers came from my job, my Mentor, and my bestest work buddy..... ???????????

WAIT WAIT hero....he isn't included in the above statement....He kinda saved my life...i was tlkn to him when it happened and he talked me calm til the EMS came...they said i may have passed out from the pain without him being on that phone....and he.....I JUST LOVE HIM....

If I hear 1 mo' time: ..."u all the way in Westland?"....Seriously...some of these people have been toted all over the state in the altima and fusion.....FOR REAL.....???? Hmm Okay...good luck ....

That is all I have to say!

more to come......Prt 3 being typed tonight....

Currently watching :
ATL (Full Screen Edition)

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