6:17 PM - The Bionic Ankle-Post Op prt 3 (THE NEON PINK EDITION) Current mood: grateful Category: Life It's been 38 days....yes I am counting .....BUT....I'm getting there....I had an appointmet today and I am progressing!! The stitches came out and I took new X-rays. I looked at the X-rays from the injury for the 1st time today.......it caused tears. I broke my ankle in three places and dis-located it. I knew it was bad...but it's another thing when you look at that X-ray....
Whew...then I saw the X-ray of the new improved "super bionic ankle"....this was a much better picture....there are 2 plates and 2 screws. Plates (vertical) on both sides where the ankle bones are. And the screws go across to hold everything in place so that the bones can heal properly these screws will come out around the 1st week of May....
Dr. Najibi is fabulous but he wants me to bear no weight on my ankle at all until May! So he said he isn't changing my back to work date yet. He said he'd re-evaluate after the cast is off. But he said "I think it's going to be the same". AND he wants me to continue with elevating it. (Shoot, my leg is gonna float up to the moon it's so elevated!) (((Lol)))
I'd told many of you that I was hoping for a sort of timeline of what happens/when...Well this is what I have as of now: Week of 3/22 or 29/07 (2/3 weeks from 2day) cast change-if this cast becomes too big from swelling going down more.
Week of 4/2/07 (4 weeks from 2day) (Appointment Thrs 4/5/07 8:30a) Out of cast/into a boot.
5/5/07 (10 weeks from surgery) Screws out. Walking (not sure if this will be with/without a cane)
I do still need to get the info about going to physical therapy. The doct said I will be going, but I forgot to ask when it would start.
Also today I was given: -a wheelchair perscription -a handicap sticker for 3 months...and.... -Guess What!? * A BRIGHT- HOT- NEON PINK CAST! *
(Black Sharpie sign-able)
I'm feeling a little better now that I have more info. And now that I have a lighter, and more comfortable cast. (Not to mention the pink! -Pink always makes me feel better! Lol). There is throbbing (usually when I sit up str8 with the foot down for any length of time)...but there isn't very much hurting/ouch type pain. I'm still sleeping a lot, which the doctor said is normal during any healing process. (You know I was bugging out about sleeping so much). But things are finally moving along....
Thanks for your prayers! They're working!!!
 | Currently listening : LeToya By LeToya Release |
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